GWT Addons v.0.2 Different addons for the Google Web Toolkit (GWT).(1) Alt-Tab Helper - Brings the game to focus after certain event (2) An addon help player in training ranged. Voidvector's WoW Addons v.2006.07.06 This projects includes numerous AddOns for the game World of Warcraft.The latest version supports smbldap-tools 0.9.6. Smbldap-tools addons v.0.2 smbldap-tools addons is an additional tool for smbldap-tools ().Currently a Javadoc taglet and an EPS addon. Ditaa Addons v.0.2 Addons to the ditaa (DIagrams Through Ascii Art) sourceforge project.Please send any suggestions to All info about that here: Thank. developed by me (valroot) with Open-Source license. CPanel / WHM Plugins and Addons v.1.05 Plugins, Addons, scripts for cpanel / whm, billing systems, plesk, etc.It also allows you to specify the full range of GoldMine functions.